I am still researching the best way to put up the new questasia blog. I will move everything to self hosted WordPress on a different server. It is also time to totally redo the questasia site. I think I won’t keep any posts and just start new. Make it a bit more like and informative web site. Here are some problems I am trying to figure out with the things I need or want to have in the new questasia site.
- Bilingual (I need to have it in German and English)
- Under one domain name, or somehow with sub domains
- One dashboard for both languages in WordPress for updating (if possible)
- Some cool Photo gallery plugin or hosting
- Easy enough that I can actually do all this 🙂 (no excessive coding please!)
- … there might be more things I cannot think of right now
So I am researching if I have to install wordpress twice, I mean do I have to have two blogs (that’s what I have now) or can I do it in one blog?
How does all the domain mapping work?
What features does WordPresss 3 actually have, hat is possible and what plugins are there to make it possible?
And also I need to find a cool template I like 🙂
All this said there is some internet work waiting for me……..
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