I like books next to my bed. Even more so when they pile. I always read a view pages before I go to sleep and sometimes before I get up. Here is the list of books on my bedside table.
NIV bible by many authors inspired by one God
this book has followed and inspired me on my lifes journey. I got a realy nice new thinline italian duo tone version. At the moment I’m reading through Ephesian
"the life you always wanted" by John Ortberg
This book I’m reading now for the second time in a row. I like Ortberg’s aproach to spiritual disciplines and how to be transformed trough them.
"Success God’s way" by Charles Stanley
This one I just started reading two days ago. I found it on a yard sale for 20 baht. I liked the outline and hope to get some answers about "the true meaning of being successful as a believer in Jesus.
"the nine ways of working" by Michael J. Goldberg
"How to use the enneagram system for success" by Ginger Lapid-Bogda
Both books are about the Enneagram. They were given to me to read out of a desperate attempt to show how weird I realy am (just kidding) Actually they helped me a lot to understand certain areas in my life and the way I work, especially in conflicts, feedback, expectations and how I work and tick.
"the first-time manager" by Lorin B. Belker + Gary S. Topchik
Believe it or not I’m reading a book on management. I only finished the first chapter. It then dawned on me that a lot of my understanding on business, leadership and management are interlinked with the church. I just never have seen it work well in those setting. I think one problem is that the church needs spiritual leadership but often applies secular principles
At the moment I am challenged how to build questasia and what it would/should be? How do I lead/manage my team?
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