the adventure I find myself in / das Abenteuer in dem ich mich finde

Category: Abenteuer/Adventures

Heavy rain in the mountains

Three days ago I made my way up to the mountains to get some more work done on our center. We prepared the frame the other week to get the cement poured for the foundation. Unfortunately when I drove towards the village I was met with a lot of water. passing the last Thai village I saw many people standing on the bridge discussing about the rising waters. The water level was just under the bridge. More then a meter higher then usual. I am passing the village and going off-road towards Hui Kau Laam. As I come to the log bridge going to Catusi. The bridge is totally submerged under water. I usually don't use the bridge, but just pass through the river, which would be impossible now.

I drive on for a couple of hundred meters and meet a truck that slid into a ditch blocking the way to the village. His axel was sitting on the dirt and it was impossible even with 4×4 to et out. The owner came running with a smile and was happy to see me. I seem to e known for being the guy who pulls others out of the dirt with ease. I mean who else got a winch on their truck around here. 


I drove another couple of hundred meters and meet two electricity poles blocking the road. The heavy rains and the flooding just swept them away with the foundations. There was no way of getting around them, so I needed to drive back a kilometer and make a detour through the jungle over the hill and take a back road into the village. 


So much to get things done easily here. We had to call off the cement trucks that were supposed to come in to pour the foundations. This part of the project has to wait another one to two weeks. There is no way those trucks can come in when the road is half gone and extremely slippery.

Still I was able to do many other things. I never run out of work up here. 🙂

climbing picture

Dies ist eines meiner Lieblingsbilder vom Sportklettern. Ich war leider noch nicht dort und habe die Säule nicht geklettert. Wer weiss… eines Tages werde ich vielleicht dort sein.

This is one of my favorate climbing pictures. I have not climbed it….yet. Who knows, perhaps I will make it there some day.


ATV off road driving

Heute kam ich endlich dazu mal etwas cooles zu unternehmen. Ich wollte schon lange mal mit einem ATV (all terrain vehicle) off-road gehen. Viktor, der bei uns mit der Arbeit hilft und ich haben uns aufgemacht ein kleines Abenteuer zu bestreiten. Es war ein echtes Erlebnis.

Today I finally got to do a cool trip with an ATV. Viktor from Switzerland and I went on a little adventure together. It was great fun.


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