I moved (not house nor country) no I moved my blog to a new server from Typepad to self hosted WordPress. It took me the better part of the last days to find a server and starting to move several domains and blogs around. I also moved Lillians blog My Thailand Diary to the new server at Dreamhost.
I have never done this before and had to learn alot. (honestly I liked the challenges just a little) I am learning still on the go with the knowledge that many others have done this who are much more clever then me and so I can learn from them alot. Thanks to the internet.
I had Typepad for about 5 years. The service there is excellent. The help from the staff was great and I would still recommend it. Two things made me consider a change. The prize and some limitations with my blogs. And to be honest I also needed a change. Lillian has used WordPress for the same amount of time and when we had to move her blog I thought why not move all of them 🙂
The bigger challenge of remodelling the questasia site is still to come. This will be one of my bigger challenges in the coming month.
So with all this I hope to get back into writing again.