the adventure I find myself in / das Abenteuer in dem ich mich finde

Month: June 2008

Thai language test

I have tken up Thai language studies again (see post) after living her for so many years still not having being satisfied with my level of Thai.
The other day I got the results from my second Thai language test back. I finished module 5 of the CLS language program and aced it with 93.33 percent. My weakness is still the writing. I have a hard time when it comes to writing my own stories or to answer questions. Comprehension of Thai is pretty good but to respond verbally and especially in written form is still very hard. I started with module 6 in the program. It is called Thai life 1 and is all about the country, economy and culture. Next month we are traveling to Switzerland for six weeks. So there will be a study break.
Overall I see a lot of improvement and I enjoyed to study again. My Thai is definitely improving a lot. Still I have a long way to go. This month I reduced Language studies to twice a week. There is just to much work and things to do right now.

Busy Tuesday

I was sitting in the car this morning and thought what I really should be doing is writing the Newsletter and let people know that we are coming to Switzerland. But here I was coming from the Immigration office trying to get everything in order to transfer the Visa into the new Passport of two of my kids. Then prepare for the English lesson at four thirty, get ready for my Thai lesson at one o’clock, copy all the documents for Immigration, take my two oldest to the Immigration office to show them they are real at three o’clock. After teaching English at six go meet with the fellow musicians for a practice.
What a crazy day today.


Today is one of those days where my soul cannot follow my body and I am totally exhausted. To exhausted for even a nap in the afternoon.
Two nights ago I could not sleep because of severe stomach cramps and diarrhea. I still feel some of the affects. I went through some sorts of emotional roller coaster about  things happening  with people around me. Then I was somewhat overwhelmed by the  circumstances in the Prao boarding home. And in all this my soul was dragged along. We are going to Switzerland and there is so much to do. I was just waking up this morning when I got a phone call from the office landlord. They needed to change the sewage pipes. So I went in on a Sunday. Did some work while I was waiting for the workers to do their work.
The on the way home I got a phone call from the landlords son. totally happy and thanking me for the bible I gave him two month ago. Another Thai women took the phone and also thanked me with all her heart. I didn’t get everything they said, but they were definitely excited about having a bible. So I want to end this rather complaining post with the thought that there can be something encouraging around the corner if we are willing to stick our head around it and I really need to learn to let my soul catch up with me once in a while.

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