the adventure I find myself in / das Abenteuer in dem ich mich finde

Month: December 2006

Christmas in Thailand

In a former Post I wrote about the annoyance of  Christmas music in shopping centers. I must say there are some songs which are clear worship to God. "Joy to the world…" I have never celebrated Christmas so many times and told the Christmas story to so many people before. The reason is that I spent several days in the mountains visiting the Lahu villages we are working in. We distributed one hundred blankets and loads of presents. I did about 6 hours of Christmas caroling in Lahu (I still don’t know what I sang though). My family came also up for a night to celebrate in Hui Kau Laam. We had a great time.
Yesterday evening we spent at home as a family, ate Swiss fondue, red the Christmas story, sang some Christmas songs, prayed together and of course opened a lot of presents. Christmas can be very stressful. Still I don’t want to miss it. it is a special time as a family and it is good to remember that God send his son Jesus to be with us.
Today we had a lazy day. Coffee in bed and time well spent as a family. In Thailand the Christmas days are just ordinary days, business as usual. Tomorrow we will go for a Christmas dinner with some friends, before it is back to work.
To all of you readers. I wish you God’s peace and a time of rest.


Last night, there was this train driving through our house. At least this is the way it sounded. A roaring coming from the storage moving towards me. The foundations of the house shook. Then two seconds laster it was over. About a minute later it came a second time. But shorter and less strong.
It is the first time I actually wasn’t asleep through an earthquake. They happen here once in a while and are not very strong. This one was 4.7 on the Richter-scale according to my Tremorskimmer widget.
Even though it is not that strong it is pretty scary, because we are not used to it, if one can ever get used to the feeling that that the ground beneath is anything but stable. What if they get stronger? The house we live in is not exactly earthquake proof.

Datensicherung für den Mac

Eigendlich habe ich immer nur meine Daten auf eine externe Festplatte gezogen. Nun wird einfach die Datenmenge zu gross um immer alles zu ersetzen. Ich probiere momentan verschieden Programme aus die mir die Arbeit erleichtern sollen. Einige der Programme sind Silverkeeper, iBackup und SouperDouper. Vielleicht wisst ihr Mac Useres eine gute Möglichkeit. Was braucht ihr?

Ein weiteres Problem ist der Platz. Ich muss mir eine weitere Festplatte besorgen wo ich dann die Backups von allen Computern Platz haben. Mal sehen was ich da tun kann. Die Auswahl hier in Chiang Mai ist nicht gerade gross. DVDs brennen geht schlecht ich bräuchte zuviele davon. Vielleicht die wichtigste Daten. Adressbuch, Mail und meine persönliche Daten. Für itunes und iphoto bräuchte ich 7 DVDs.

ich bin offen für Ratschläge. Braucht Jemand .Mac um Daten zu sichern?

A cold and time to read

The last three days I went down with a cold. I felt really week and had an awful runny nose. There was not much I could do than to drink tea and wait for better days.

978033031611801Fortunately I found time to get into reading "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy". It actually is a trilogy in four parts and I’m on the second book now. "The restaurant at the end of the universe". I will be honest with you…. I really like it. All about the meaning of life challenging my rather small view of things. In all a very enjoyable story.
Today I feel a bit better. I need to run some errands. Fix the toilet upstairs, and groom the garden and do some cleaning up, without getting to much exhausted.
The kids are off school till Wednesday. It’s the Kings birthday on Tuesday. It seems like half of Thailand is in Chiang Mai to go to the royal flower exhibition.
I hope to feel fit again tomorrow. I really would like to go climbing in San Kam Paeng once again. Take the family for an outing.

The Beatles


John_lennon_2We were at a Christmas Market in Chiang Mai, where they were selling all kinds of art stuff. I found this Beatles figures and just had to get them. Actually they are for my brother. So next time I get too Switzerland I’ll take them along for him.

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