the adventure I find myself in / das Abenteuer in dem ich mich finde

Month: March 2008

Saturday morning

It is Saturday morning. We are in our new house. It has such a different feel I wonder why we lived at the other place for eight years. But I guess I moved so many times in my live that I avoid it if i can. There is still much to do in and around the house. But today I take it slow. Yesterday I came home late after playing folk music in the Irish pub till after twelve. It was great. I just love folk music.
My last post was more then two weeks ago and I wonder what happened in all this time. But then I realize that while moving house  (a major endeavor) we also work on a big water project in the mountains and we also finished I major language recording project for a Thai language school. I have run so many errands it is hard to keep track. Unfortunately a lot of my office work is waiting for me to be attacked. But this will have to wait till Monday. Today my two boys will come back from a one week camp. There will be a lot of sharing today.
I wish you all a nice Saturday

No Time to write

I have not written on this blog for a week. There is just to much going on. Thai studies, Water project, office work and on Saturday we are moving house. The moving is not so much the problem, but going to all the places for address changes, a real pain.
This morning I should write a short fairytale in Thai and my mind is blank. There is just nothing. Time to go to the telephone company.

Another day in the mountains

I came back this evening from another day in the mountains. I left this morning with the third load of pipes for Hui Ba Rai. Stefan and Anusha from Chiang Mai came along on this trip. With the water project there was one last hill to overcome and I was not sure if we will be able to get over it. After looking for alternative routes. We decided to dig as dip as we had to. Luckily we were able to get right over the hill. Here the view I enjoyed from up in the mountains. It is beautiful up there. The smoke coming from the little tin roof is our lunch being cooked by one of the Lahu women.


While we were digging officials from the Forest department came up. The were armed with automatic rifles to check on what we were doing. I wonder how they knew we were up there at all. It is not the first time meet officials from the Forest department. They are looking for illegal logging and also drug trafficking. I had a good chat with the chief and as they saw that everything was okay they left again.

We  drove back to  Chiang Mai over Prao to visit the boarding home with we support. There are currently 74 children from 11 remote mountain  villages. My heart is always moved with compassion when I’m there and wish we could do more for those children. But there is always so much we can do to help.


Water pipes in the jungle

I have been bringing water pipes up to Hui Ba Rai for the last two days. So far we put in 1 kilometer of pipes. The terrain is rather difficult and steep. There are several hills on the way to the village we have to bypass. Unfortunately there is no direct way. We work with gravity and there is no way that the water would flow up hill. I wish it would  though.
This is our first project  we try with LDPE pipes instead of PVC. The pipe comes in a role of 100 meters. I must say that so far I like this kind of pipe a lot more due to flexibility and only a connection every hundred meters. There is also no messy glue used.
On Monday I will go up again with more pipes. The project is more extensive than I evaluated before and I have to take a little break from Thai studies to finish it.


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