the adventure I find myself in / das Abenteuer in dem ich mich finde

Category: Church

Floyed McClung in der Schweiz

Ich habe verschiedene e-mail Einladungen für das Seminar von Floyd Mc Clung erhalten. Natürlich konnte ich nicht teilnehmen, da ich hier in Asien bin. Ich habe hier aber einen Artikel gefunden den ich euch empfehlen möchte. Rückblickend wäre ich gerne dort gewesen. Ein paar Dinge die dort stehen haben einiges an meinen eigenen Überlegungen bestätigt.

Na ja, ich befasse mich mit Gemeindebau im Hilltribe-Kontext. Wir haben hier ganz andere Voraussetzungen. Ich bin kein Researcher und werde wohl nie ein Buch darüber schreiben. Die Zeit mit den Lahus lehren mich aber sehr viele Dinge und ich hoffe soviel wie möglich aus all den Erfahrungen zu lernen und wiederum einzusetzen.

Realationship – Form

I red a post on Reinhold’s blog. After writing a comment I decided to also post it here.

"This is an interesting post. Made me think a lot about church. If I would have to choose between form and relationship I’d definitely choose the later. Where a greater number gathers I guess there is a need for more structure or form. Even in small gatherings there is a need for it. On the other hand I’m shocked from my own experience how dependable people get on the form and easily discard relationships over it. Even though the later again carries into eternity. Relationship is the harder way. I believe it is the way Jesus chose when he lived church with his disciples. Form didn’t seem to matter so much."

Emotionally Healthy Churches

031024654701_bo2204203200_pisitbdp500arrI just red a book called "The Emotionally Healthy Church" by Peter Scazzero. It is yet another book with solutions (six principles) to a healthy church written by a former (or still?) driven person, who has a "conversion" after his wife wanted to leave him. There is a lot of good stuff in the book. I personally don’t like the way it is written and how stories of church members and a lot about himself is used to make his points. It seems to me that he has still a load of programs the people are channeled through to make them healthy. I’m aware of the difficulty to judge the whole thing without knowing neither the people nor his church. The principles though are very convincing and are worth more consideration. It would be nice to see this in real-time somewhere, and of course be part of a healthy church.

Here are the six principles:

1. Look beneath the surface
    …the other 90 percent of the iceberg. Be honest with yourself. Don’t cover up the emotional shortcomings.
2. Break the power of the past
    …everybody is shaped and influenced by their families. Even though we are adopted in a new family we still have to deal with the baggage from our past.
3. Live in brokenness and vulnerability
    …in opposite to pride and defensiveness. We need God to empower us and work from a base of dependence
4. Receive the gifts of limits
    …see Jesus accepts God’s limits. It is not on us to do everything. learn to say no. No limits in church burns the leaders out. learn to set boundaries.
5. Embrace grieving and loss
    …most of our sinning comes from  the escape of the pain we feel. To quickly forgive or move on leaves the pain deeply hidden and not being grieved. There is a need to acknowledge that pain and the loss and work through them.
6. Make incarnation your model for loving well
    …do we really love and understand the people on our way. Are we wearing their moccasins. It is all about being a good listener.

Here is a quote from the book I really liked.

"His (Jesus) relationship with his father freed him from the pressures of those around him. He was not afraid to live out his own unique life and mission, regardless of other people’s agenda for his life."
("The Emotinally Healthy church"; Peter Scazzero; p.33  italics mine)

Churchplanting vs. Start a Nursery

</p> <p>Churchplanting vs. Start a Nurse</p> <p>There is much talk and writing about church-planting. I wonder if this term is not misleading. For one thing the church seems to be more then one plant. If we want to make the connection to the plant or gardening world we need to see that a church consists of many plants, more like a nursery. Some of those plants are older, stronger, some have just come out of their seeds. Others are sick and need treatment or special care. There is no plant the same like the others and each plant has different functions and attributes.
Can we really plant a church? Or is it more building a nursery?

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