I just finished a book that a friend gave me to read. It’s called "Friendly Fire" Why is God shooting at me? by William G. Johnson. The writer uses the book of Job as a base to show difficulties (Job’s suffering) in life with the often oversimplified or legalistic answers christians present us (Job’s friends).
Sometimes things don’t work out the way we thought they should, I wonder why God does not show up, God seems to be silent, absent or just doesn’t care. After reading Job again, I sympatize with the poor fellow who lost everything. I mean we do know the end. He didn’t. He thought he is going to die soon and all his friends kind of finish him off verbaly.
Don’t all of us sometimes feel that desperate cry in our soul that just wouldn’t come out. The only thing left is our faith in God and the hope that it will be better someday. Everthing seems to hang on a thread.
The author speaks of battlepoints in our lives. Testing, brokenness and spiritual conflict. God let’s does "batttlepoints" happen so we can grow in our lives by expiriencing victories over these battles through His working in us. This brings glory to God. (This is hart to say in one sentence, the book makes more sense). I think if we have eternity in our hearts we know that the things, the battles we face here are not an end in themselves. They change our inmost being and this is for eternity. Some battles our won here and blessing flows out of it here on earth, others take longer and we will expirience God’s blessing when we live this place for heaven.
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