the adventure I find myself in / das Abenteuer in dem ich mich finde

Food poisoning

On Monday I must have eaten something that caused a major infect in my stomach. Usually I let those things go by and just feel unwell for a day or two. This time I was not exempt from taking a load of antibiotics. I had high fever and was running out. After three days the fever had gone down but the infect was still strong. Yesterday I was in hospital to get me checked. Because of my "line of work" I’m exposed to all sorts of parasites, worms and sicknesses and I needed to make sure were no aliens nesting. (by the way, way do they give you such little cups to give samples for the laboratory?) The doctor could not find any creepy crawlies and set it’s fine. He gave stronger antibiotics for another four days.
The whole ordeal brought my life to a hold and I’m hanging around at home feeling totally exhausted from doing nothing. Even in the hospital I nearly fell asleep while waiting for the lab results.


  1. Mark

    glad to hear you’re feelingbetter again! take care and get some rest this weekend! kind greetings, mark

  2. mum

    We were sorry to hear how unwell you are, and I keep checking the mail and your blogs to hear of some improvement. We’ll keep praying for healing. Take it easy. Love,Mum

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