We have spent the last 25 days in Switzerland. We came home this morning one o’clock from Liestal in Basel where we had a great time with a mix of new won friends, people we know from way back and people who were in the mountains with short term teams. It was such a blessing. First we were in the Vineyard Liestal where we realized that we know quite some people and where also Thomas (who does the music productions comes from).
On the way back Lillian and I were talking about all the blessings we received from Switzerland. Lillian said that we are used to give all the time and it seems like this time in Switzerland is a time to receive and be blessed. I was really touched.
It is seven and a half years away from Switzerland and sometime we are afraid that we loose connection to the people and the country. But I realize that the opposite happens and we are blessed with new relationships and people who are interested in what we do.
One of the greatest blessings is the generosity and open arms of the EBV (evangelische Brüderverein) the brethren church my wife grew up in. I’m also impressed by their work in PNG and their faithfulness in the work of the kingdom of God.
We had so many good experiences so far and still nearly two weeks to go. We will fly back on the 12th. of August. I will have three more meetings in Switzerland before I go back fresh and motivated to the work in the North of Thailand.