the adventure I find myself in / das Abenteuer in dem ich mich finde

Hitting forty today… I mean Happy Birthdday to ME!

I have waited for this the last 100 days or so. I kept a count down widget on my desktop. Today it displayed fireworks. I am officially over the 40 years barrier….. and …….. there is no difference to 39. So far.
I guess I went trough different faces the last few months

Not barely being aware of my age and honestly not thinking about it.
Realizing in (specially) while doing sports, that a teenager can beat you

"Age is not important, it is how young I feel".
"I am not old, I am just getting more mature"
"Midlife-crisis is a myth
"Help!!! I am getting bold

"my youth has faded, I am old" to "I’m going to die"!
"This is the last day of my life"

God give me grace to face the next forty years!

… and to all you out there hitting forty soon, it is actually not that bad after all.



  1. hotchick

    What significance does the number 40 have in the Bible?
    In: The Bible
    The number 40 holds particular significance in the Bible and refers to a precise number, not just a long period of time. There are at least ten instances in the Old Testament and New Testament where 40 occurs, either in years or days, e.g. it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, Moses was on the mountain 40 days and 40 nights, the Israelites wandered 40 years, Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and was seen on the earth for 40 days after His crucifixion.
    A 40-something time period, whether days, months, or years is ALWAYS a period of testing, trial, probation, or chastisement (but not judgment) and ends with a period of restoration, revival or renewal.
    Thankfully, God is consistent, so the meaning of a number in Genesis remains the same all the way to the book of Revelation. Sometimes the spiritual significance is not revealed directly, but in the case of “40” and its many examples throughout the Bible, we can be certain of its importance

  2. lillian

    Happy Birthday honey. You’re the best. I hope the next 40 years are WONDERFUL !!!!

  3. chroettli

    noch einmal happy birthday auf diesem weg!
    schön, dich zu kennen! du bist wertvoll!!!
    greetz from emmental

  4. _dave_


  5. Mark

    congratulations dear Philipp!! Wish you 1000 nice, inspiring and cool encounters in the next year!
    Look forwad to seing you soon! Mark

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